Monday, 11 July 2016

Digital Marketing is Merging Into a Cohesive and Collaborative Whole

Digital Marketing is Merging Into a Cohesive and Collaborative Whole

Marketing is regarded as an integral part of all the goods and services. Proper marketing strategy is required to sell the goods and services. Over the years there are many significant changes occurred in Marketing. Now it is the era of digital marketing and the traditional marketing is rapidly replaced by digital marketing. As we all know digital marketing is the marketing by means of digital.

We can analyse the growth perspective of digital marketing, how it is replacing the traditional marketing and significant impacts and trends based on that.

Growth of digital Marketing

Various studies have shown that the industry has grown more than 30% per year for the last couple of years. This is largely contributed to the penetration of internet over the years. Since the internet access grown across the globe a fast pace, there can be more expected in terms of digital marketing as well. Just look at the number of digital channels have been added over the years, it is clearly pointing out the growing dominance of digital marketing over any other form of marketing.

Digital Marketing Services Comapny in Pune

The recent Digital Agencies Report 2016 shows that around 90% of the digital marketing firms are planning new recruitment this year, which is another indicator of the promising future.  Another important landmark or driver which contributed to the growth of digital marketing is percentage of Smartphone. Since the technology growth and trend ensured that the number of people accessing internet via smart phone grow day by day, the challenge seems to be mainly addressing their needs and not the concerns regarding its growth. The mobile marketing is leading all the other verticals of digital marketing with a staggering 38% in US, whereas social media marketing has 26% and E-mail marketing has just 10%.

How it Replaced Traditional Marketing?

This can be answered with a slightly different notion of how effectively bring out sales result. Traditional marketing is not an integrated one and more over it doesn’t really customize and not acting up on the real target group, more or less it gives a result of broadcasting. When we consider Digital Marketing, the tools are specifically designed to hit the right target group and easily bring the results in a convenient manner. Since the time and effort required reduced drastically over traditional marketing, digital marketing stole the show.

Significant Impacts and Trends

All the major companies are trying to leap into this dock. If you look at the major internet companies, you will come to know about this fact. Look at the services provided by Google, Facebook, Twitter etc., all are trying to tap the revenue with their innovative strategies and tools. Since the major players are looking for a spot in the arena, fast pace of changes are assured. There is a trend, which shows the integration of other industries into digital marketing and it is into a new platform called ‘Internet of the Things’. This means everything should be interpreted in terms of transfer of data without human to human interaction. This adds biggest platform and integration for digital marketing in future.

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